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Drink Yourself Beautiful

  Drink Yourself Beautiful Introduction Drink Yourself Beautiful! is a guide to healthy, natural and tasty drinks that will make you look and feel great. We take the mystery out of what can be a confusing subject by breaking it down into simple categories: water, teas and smoothies. Water Drink 8 glasses of water a day. Drink water before, during and after exercise. Drinking more water helps your body remove toxins from the body. It also helps you lose weight by making you feel fuller for longer periods of time so that you eat less food overall. Green tea Green tea is a powerful beverage, and it can do wonders for your health. Green tea contains antioxidants that are good for you, like catechins and polyphenols. These help reduce blood pressure and prevent cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease and other conditions. They also have been shown to lower cholesterol levels in research studies on rats! Herbal teas Herbal teas are a great way to get your daily dose of antioxidants. T