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What Is Keto Diet


Keto Diet


The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-carb diet that's become increasingly popular for weight loss and overall health. It involves dramatically lowering your carbohydrate intake and replacing it with fat. When you cut carbs, the body goes into starvation mode and begins to break down fats instead of glucose for energy. This process results in ketones being produced, which are byproducts of metabolism that are used to supply energy for the brain (and other organs). By adopting a low carb lifestyle, you can trigger this metabolic state at will by increasing your dietary fat intake as well as protein consumption. This will then prompt your body to start burning its own stored fat—as well as calories consumed from meals—to provide energy instead of using carbohydrates as fuel sources."

Keto Diet Plan

The keto diet is a low-carb, high-fat plan. The goal is to get your body into a state of ketosis, where it's burning fat for energy instead of carbs. To do this, you'll have to cut out all grains and sugars from your diet--including fruit; if you're wondering how many carbs are in an apple or orange, check out our chart here! Also stay away from beans and legumes as well as dairy products like cheese and yogurt.

Instead of eating lots of carbs like breads or pastas (and definitely no French fries!), eat plenty of healthy fats like nuts/seeds/avocado or fatty meats like steak or salmon cooked without oil so there's no chance any will drip onto the pan before cooking time is up! Since this type of diet isn't exactly easy when starting out at first because there aren't many foods available at restaurants aside from salads which aren't really allowed either unless they're made with olive oil dressing instead which most places don't might experience something called "keto flu" during those first few days where symptoms include fatigue nausea dizziness constipation diarrhea bad breath insomnia headaches pain behind eyes dry mouth joint pain muscle weakness weight loss constipation dry mouth nausea dizziness fatigue headache pain behind eyes insomnia constipation diarrhea bad breath dry mouth

What is the keto diet?

The keto diet is a low-carb, high-fat eating plan. It's also known as the ketogenic diet or "keto" for short. The name comes from the fact that this way of eating causes ketone bodies (a type of molecule) to be produced by the liver, which can then be used as fuel for the body.

The goal of a keto diet is to force your body into using stored fat as its primary source of energy instead of carbs. When you cut out most carbs from your diet and replace them with protein and fat, your body enters what's known as "ketosis." This means that your liver breaks down stored fat into molecules called acetyl groups and converts them into energy that can be used by cells throughout your body--including those in your brain!

How does the keto meal plan work?

The keto diet is a low-carb, high-fat eating plan that forces the body to burn fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates. When you deprive yourself of carbs, your body has no choice but to start burning its own fat stores for energy. As you lose weight and begin to look leaner, you'll notice that your cravings for unhealthy food will disappear as well.

The basic idea behind this type of dieting is simple: eat fewer carbs than normal so that your body has no choice but to turn its attention towards using stored energy (fat) as fuel instead of relying on foods like breads or pasta that are high in carbohydrates. If done correctly--and consistently--you'll find yourself losing weight quickly without having to change anything else about how much time you spend working out each week or how often/how long those workouts are lasting!

Fat is your friend.

Fat is your friend.

Fat is a good source of energy, and it helps you feel full. It's also important for your brain and skin health, as well as hair growth (more on that later). Fat has been demonized in recent years by diet programs like Atkins or keto (which is short for ketogenic), but the truth is that eating fat doesn't make you gain weight; rather it helps keep you energized so that your body burns off its own stored fat instead of storing more of it!

The "Keto Flu."

Keto flu is a set of symptoms that can occur in the first two weeks of starting a ketogenic diet. It's often confused with low carb flu, which is a similar set of symptoms that some people experience when they start a low carb diet.

The main difference between these two conditions is that keto flu only occurs when you're following the standard ketogenic diet (SKD), while low carb flu occurs when you're following any version of it--including modified SKD (M-SKD).

A complete guide to the ketogenic diet for weight loss and overall health.

If you're not familiar with the keto diet, it's a low-carb, high-fat eating plan that has become increasingly popular over the past few years.

A typical day on a ketogenic meal plan might include eggs for breakfast; sardines or avocado with cucumber slices for lunch; and chicken thighs (with skin) and broccoli for dinner. While this may sound like an odd combination of foods at first glance--and it certainly can feel that way if you've never eaten this way before--there are lots of reasons why people choose to go keto. In fact, there are many health benefits associated with following this type of diet!


Ketosis is a state of being in which your body uses fat as its primary source of fuel instead of carbohydrates. This means that you will be eating fewer carbs and more fats than usual when following a keto diet. The goal behind this change in your eating habits is to improve overall health by lowering blood sugar levels, reducing insulin resistance and improving fat burning capabilities within the body.


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